
Tattoo Pictures by Regina Perez


tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

Well there isn’t a lot of fat behind your ear and the skin there is very sensitive so I guess...

tattooed girl

yes, it’s still in the queue!

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

I had this tattoo done in honour of my grandparents who were in love for 62 years. Their favourite song was a 50’s song called ‘The Days of Wine and Roses’ and that title was inspired by the line “they are not long, the days of wine and roses” from a poem named ‘Vitae Summa Brevis’ by Ernest Dowson. Whenever I look at my tattoo I think of them, true love and old fashioned romance.

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

My unfinished chest piece. “Never Means Forever”

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

Odawa is the tribe I am from. Second tattoo. =]


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